Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Lead Out of Your Marriage or Singleness – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on June 18th, 2019

This week’s podcast explores the second pillar of building a deep inner life out of which we lead for Jesus – lead out of your marriage or singleness. The default thinking about marriage and singleness in most churches goes something like this:

  • A leader’s highest priority is to build an effective and successful ministry to reveal Jesus’ love to the world. Marriage or singleness is important, but secondary.
  • A leader’s oneness with Jesus is separate from his or her connection to a spouse (if married) or close friends and family (if single).
  • Leaders need to get as much training and equipping as possible to improve their leadership skills. Training and equipping for marriage or singleness is primarily for when you have problems or a crisis.

I begin the podcast by summarizing the material found in The Emotionally Healthy Leader, reviewing briefly a theology of marriage/singleness as a sign and wonder that bears witness to God’s love for the world. Then I talk about four challenges we encounter as we embark on this journey:

  1. Triggers
  2. Oneness
  3. Limits and discernment
  4. Sexuality

I close the podcast by responding to a several FAQ’s that often emerge when we make the transition to lead out of our marriages or singleness.

Let me encourage you to click here for our free discussion guide (along with video chapter introductions) on The Emotionally Healthy Leader. These will greatly facilitate your discussion of these large biblical themes with others.


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