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Leadership Blindspot Part 4: A Wrong View Of Success – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on November 12th, 2019

I approached the podcast this week as if we were sitting across the table from one another and you asked the question, “Well Pete, how do you measure success in your own leadership and how might that be different from the way I’m measuring it today?”

Here are the nine points I share as a response to that very important question:

  1. Success is Remaining in communion with Jesus throughout each day.
  2. Success is Embracing the Season God has me in – be it Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer.
  3. Success is Resisting Temptations of the Evil One, i.e. demonic powers. “This is the great work of a man: always to take the blame for his own sins before God and to expect temptation till the last breath.” Anthony the Great
  4. Success is Trusting Jesus.  Our work is to “be trusting in (i.e. relaxing in) the One he has sent” (John 6:29).
  5. Success is Living as a Sign and Wonder in Your Marriage or Singleness so You Lead out of a Cup that is Overflowing.
  6. Success is Receiving God’s Limits as a Gift. This requires me to deeply embrace the lesson of the loaves and the fishes.
  7. Success is Experience On-Going Transformation in My Life.
  8. Success is Being Present with the People around Me, Seeing their Beauty, and Value.
  9. Success is Doing the Hard Work of Determining Quality Markers of Success Beyond Growth in Numbers. Measuring deep, beneath the surface transformation in people’s lives, and other quality issues like community, is also critically important – if not more important- than simply counting numerical growth.


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