Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Leadership Blindspots & Whitewashed Walls 

Posted on May 31st, 2022

Is your life and leadership the same on the INSIDE as it is on the OUTSIDE?

You might respond “Of course it is!”. But reality is – sometimes it’s hard to know. That’s why God often sends others to help us see our own blindspots.

In the Scriptures, this is the role of the prophets – to call God’s people out of blindness and help them see what they were missing.

One of these prophets, Ezekiel, brought revelation to Israel at a time they needed it most. They had returned from exile and were dislocated, suffering, and traumatized. Jerusalem was destroyed.

Instead of focusing on the corrupt, pagan nations around them, Ezekiel calls them to first see their own hypocrisy and superficiliaty as the people of God

In today’s podcast, I share this full sermon and 3 invitations that I believe are critical for the day in which we live.

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