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Leadership Lessons from the Life of David – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on June 18th, 2018

If you and I were sitting down with David towards the end of his life, and we asked him what tips might he have for our own leadership today, what might he say? Listed below are a few key tips I believe would be near the top of his list.

What I appreciate most about David is that he was both deeply broken and a man after God’s own heart – just like many of us. He is one great biblical example of a highly differentiated leader. For this reason, this podcast is part of a larger podcast series on differentiation that I will continue next week.

Also, on Tuesday, July 10th at 2 pm EST, I will host a 1-hour Webinar on Growing in Differentiation as Key to Great Leadership. (I mistakenly called it a podcast on this podcast!) Join others in sending me your specific questions around the application of differentiation to your situation. Click here to sign up. Even if you can’t make it, the recording of the webinar will be sent to you within a few days.

The leadership lessons from the life of David I talk about on this podcast are:

  1. Be yourself
  2. Be faithful in the little
  3. Wait on the Lord and take the long view
  4. Cultivate love for God first
  5. Monitor your heart towards authority
  6. Sabbath rhythms are a matter of life and death
  7. Find Jonathans (mentors/encouragers) for each season of your journey 
  8. Be very careful with the power of temptation
  9. Lead out of the reality of loss, grief and suffering
  10. Cultivate generosity

Again, send any questions in advance you might have to @petescazzero at Twitter/Facebook or to I look forward to meeting you there.


Start a Revolution: 5 Keys to Lead the EH Discipleship Course for Maximum Impact


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