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Leading/Pastoring out of Your Marriage — EHL Conference 2010

Posted on May 4th, 2010
One of the more significant pieces of feedback I received from our Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference 2010 came out of the pre-conference on the leaders’s marriage. The following video contains Geri and I taking 25-30 minutes to provide a short summary of a biblical foundation for the pastor’s/leader’s marriage.  As one pastor remarked, “In twenty five years of pastoring, I have never heard that our leadership is to flow out of our marriage. It was a shock!”

Intro to the EH Leadership Conf – 04.29.10 from New Life Fellowship on Vimeo. Pastor Pete & Geri Scazzero introduce the 2010 Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference.

You can click on the image above for more pictures from our conference.

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