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Lessons from the Desert Fathers/Mothers: Part 2 – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on October 2nd, 2018

I have pondered the Sayings of the Desert Fathers/Mothers for more than 15 years. We may not be monks, but we can learn many things from them as we seek to lead for Jesus in our day. We each have a solitary, a monk, within us, i.e. a part of us that longs for rich, creative, deep communion with God apart from the gods of the world that tempt us away from Jesus.

We are not called to do exactly what these desert teachers did, but we are called to the same ruthless determination to break every spiritual chain that keeps us from becoming who God has called us to be and doing what he has called us to do.

In this podcast I talk about 4 gifts/applications that offer a challenge to us in leadership today. Here are a few of their sayings that I discuss:

1. Grow in Love and Not Judging
The monk must die to his neighbor and never judge him at all in any way.  Abba Moses said, “You don’t build a house by starting with the roof and working down. You start with the foundation.” They said, “What does that mean?” He said, “The foundation is our neighbor whom we must win. The neighbor is where we start. Every commandment of God depends on this.”

2.  Guard Your Heart with Regards to Material Possessions   
Theodore had 3 good books. He went to Macarius and said “I have 3 good books, and I am helped by reading them. Other monks also want to read them, and they are helped by them. Tell me what to do.” Macarius replied, “Reading books is good, but possessing nothing is more than anything.” When he heard this, he went and sold his books and gave the money to the poor.

Evagrius said, “Cut the desire for many things out of your heart and so prevent your mind from being dispersed and your stillness lost.”

3. Do Nothing Done for Show
Syncletica said, “Any virtue will be lost if it is published abroad and is known about everywhere. … if you pour vain praises on the soul it goes soft and weak in seeking goodness.”

4. Accept the Reality of Warfare
Abba Poemen said that Abba Anthony used to say, “The greatest thing a man can do is to throw his faults before the Lord and to expect temptation to his last breath.”


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