Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Living in the Desert Without Leaving Your Life

Posted on September 20th, 2022

Great news! I’m officially back from my summer sabbatical and I’m excited to share with you insights from my time away.

For years now, I’ve been thinking about today’s topic and my conviction only grew deeper as I reflected over the last two months.

In the 3rd – 5th centuries, early Christian men and women fled to the desert to escape the moral compromise in the church and the idols of the world. They did this, not out of self-righteousness, but in order to send a life raft to the church and be a gift to the world.

The truth is – we must find a new way to live as desert fathers and mothers if we are going to live with deep peace and a powerful witness.

But how can we do this today without leaving our work, families, and other responsibilities?

In today’s podcast, I share 8 ways you can create for yourself a desert from which you can better love God and love others.

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