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Our Pilgrimage to New Zealand, Australia, and Singapore

Posted on July 9th, 2013

Geri and I left, last night, for a one-month global partnership trip to New Zealand, Australia, and Singapore. We are going both to give and to receive as we embark on a pilgrimage to be encountered by God. For most of Christian history, going on pilgrimage was understood as a spiritual discipline for devout believers. The first Christians learned about pilgrimage from the Jews who made the journey to Jerusalem each year for the three major feasts. It was only natural for the early Christians to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. After the excesses and abuses connected with pilgrimage during the Reformation, Protestants dismissed the entire concept as unnecessary. This changed in the 20th century as Protestants, along with Roman Catholics and Orthodox believers, been returning to Israel in significant numbers. It is common to meet believers making pilgrimages today to Jerusalem, Rome, Ephesus in Turkey, monasteries, and Santiago de Compostela in Spain. A pilgrimage represents our quest towards our heavenly home. Every time we take a trip, we have an opportunity to grow spiritually and meet God in new ways. Vacations, mission trips, and business trips can each serve as sacred pilgrimages and as powerful vehicles for transformation. The following is our schedule the next month. (You may want to click the links). I invite you to follow along as I journal on this blog asking, “How is God working and revealing Himself? What transforming work is He seeking to do in and through me/us? How is He specifically coming to me? What divine appointments might He have arranged?” New Zealand- Willow Creek Association July 13      Auckland     – EH Leadership Seminar, EH Marriages (Evening) July 14      Preaching at Eastgate Christian Centre July 15      Wellington  – EH Leadership Seminar, EH Marriages (Evening) July 17      ChristChurch  – EH Leadership Seminar, EH Marriages (Evening) Singapore Eagle’s Conference July 23     Training EHS Trainers – Pete and Geri July 24      Emotionally Healthy Leadership – Pete and I Quit (EH Skills 2.0) Geri July 25      Slowing Down (Plenary) –Pete and Geri July 26      Emotionally Healthy Marriage Pete/Geri Australia- Willow Creek Association July 29      Perth – EH Leadership Seminar, EH Marriages (Evening) July 31      Melbourne  – EH Leadership Seminar, EH Marriages (Evening) August 2    Brisbane      – EH Leadership Seminar, EH Marriages (Evening)

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