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Pornography, Sexuality, and the Church

Posted on July 20th, 2010

The Statistics Are Staggering:

  • 66% of Internet-using men between the ages of 18-34 look at online porn at least once a month (1)
  • 55% of pastors admitted to participating with porn online. (2)
  • Over 40% of women on line are involved in problematic cyber behavior. (3)
  • The largest consumer of Internet pornography is the 12 to 17 year old age group. (4)
  • 90% of male teens 15-17 years old will view pornography this month. 34% of them will become addicts.

Since meeting Ted Roberts, founder of Pure Desire Ministries a few months ago, I have been conducting an informal survey with pastors, leaders, and others to determine if above statistics are true.   Sadly I am now convinced they are. I spent time with Ted Roberts in person this past weekend. I was challenged and sobered once again at the enormous challenge we are confronting in our sexually charged and addicted culture – both outside and inside the church. In particular, it was shocking and painful to listen to trends among teens and young people. We are in a crisis and it is only growing worse. What most impressed about his approach is that it moves beyond the “try harder” to quit sexual addiction. It actually addresses the issues of damaged neuro-pathways of the brain and the gut-wrenching shame that accompanies sexual addiction. Combined with the power of the Holy Spirit, Roberts is bringing together an approach to freedom that is serious, long-term and church based. Check out his website andbooks Pure Desire and Sexy Christians. How severe do you believe the problem to be in the church and culture?  And what do you believe it will take to address this?

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