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Practice Sabbath Delight: Part 2 – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on July 9th, 2019

Keeping Sabbath is a core spiritual practice – an essential means God uses to slow us down and mature us. This applies to everyone, and especially to us who lead others. The integration of Sabbath delight in the midst of an active, missional life is one of the more subversive, radical and powerful gifts we can offer our people and the world we aim to serve.

In this podcast, I begin by exploring a number of related Sabbath applications and tangents (e.g. Sabbath as play, re-framing vacations as longer Sabbaths, the importance of longer sabbaticals, Sabbath as a weapon of warfare against powers and principalities).

After this, I answer a number of common FAQ’s such as:

  • How do I go about deciding what specific activities are acceptable and unacceptable on the Sabbath?
  • Do I need a day-off and a Sabbath?
  • What do I do about my tendency to perfectionism?
  • Isn’t Jesus our Sabbath-rest? Is this another works-righteousness?
  • How do I cease from the work of parenting?
  • What do I about my children who aren’t interested in Sabbath?
  • What about sports and extra-curricular activities your children may be involved in?
  • How, like Jesus, can we exercise compassion on the Sabbath without turning it into work?
  • Which day is the Sabbath? Sunday or Saturday?
  • How do I have a Sabbath if I am bi-vocational?
  • What do I do if my spouse and I have different days off?
  • How do I introduce Sabbath to the whole church?

Again, let me encourage you to click here for an excellent, free discussion guide on The Emotionally Healthy Leader to talk about this great truth with your team.

Enjoy the podcast!

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