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Prayer: Trusting in a Wine that Never Runs Out – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on August 27th, 2019

The whole core of the Christian life can be summed up as praying, abiding, and being with Jesus. Our first work in life is not to get something from God but to be with God. Sadly, many of us can fall into a cultural Christianity if we aren’t intentional. The core of the EH Discipleship Course is for people to learn to be with Jesus and cultivate their own first-hand relationship with Jesus.

In this podcast Pete shares a message from John 2 on prayer and trusting in a wine that never runs out. May it be an encouragement to you to trust in Jesus and cultivate a life of deep connection and being with Jesus each day.

P.S. This Thursday, Aug. 29th, we are offering our LAST live stream training for the year. After that, training will only be available on-demand through our Course Launch Bundle. Register now and get 20% off your future purchase of the Course Launch Bundle!

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