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Prudence: The Overlooked Secret of Mature Leaders

Posted on May 26th, 2020

In this podcast I talk about one key, often overlooked, ingredient of mature leaders – prudence. As Proverbs says, “…she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.   Prov. 3:13-15

This is a topic particularly important today with the many conspiracy theories and misinformation around COVID-19 reaching new levels of intensity -both inside and outside the church.  But my passion around this biblical theme comes from a deeper source – that of making so many foolish decisions in my own leadership. How many times did I appoint volunteers and staff too quickly without asking hard questions? How often did I add a new ministry without thinking through the support it would need? How many times did I say yes to a commitment without looking at my calendar?

In this podcast, I unpack the word prudence from the book of Proverbs. It has been called the “executive virtue,” meaning it enables us to think clearly and not be swept up by our impulses or emotions. Prudence remembers past experiences, our own and others, and draws out any applicable lessons and principles. It carefully considers all relevant factors, possibilities, difficulties, and outcomes. Perhaps most important is that prudence refuses to rush — ​it is willing to wait on God for as long as it takes and to give the decision-making process the time it needs.

I trust this podcast will drive you to slow down and ground yourself more deeply in Scripture, silence, and prayer, while at the same time, encourage you to be faithful to invest the talents God has given you to give his food to the people he has given you to influence in this season.


Pete Scazzero

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