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Radically Changed by the EHS Course

Posted on August 16th, 2016

Changed people change the world.


EHS is the fruit of 20 years of wrestling with the problem of superficial discipleship. Over the years, we have seen its power in transforming lives, time and time again.

Click on the image below to view some stories of the impact EHS is having in peoples lives:


We believe the EHS Course is a powerful discipleship model that goes deep beneath the surface of people’s lives and results in long-term missional impact in the world. People are so changed they can’t help but change the world around them.

And so we are committed to offering the best training, equipping and resources possible to empower you as a pastor or church leader to immerse yourself in bringing this radical discipleship model to your church.

We invite you to consider these exceptional opportunities as you prayerfully plan your church discipleship pathway this fall:



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