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Recovering the First Priority of Leadership – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on April 30th, 2019

This podcast emerges out of what is, perhaps, my greatest burden for leaders – to carve out sufficient time TO BE with Jesus and TO BE with ourselves – out of which we go and offer our lives as a gift to the world. I am referring not to a superficial being simply to stay functional but to a deep waiting on Jesus – a life with deep stillness and silence that serves to center our leadership.

In this podcast I talk about the ancient practice of the Daily Office as one powerful means to build such a life. God has used this treasure to transform my life, along with tens of thousands of others through the centuries.

I first observed and experienced the Daily Office during a one-week visit with Trappist monks. The basic structure of Trappist life includes four elements: prayer, work, study, and rest. Yet it was their intentional arranging of their lives around the prayers of the Daily Office that moved me. This was their means to remain aware of God’s presence all through their work day.

The term Daily Office differs from what we label today as quiet time or devotions. When I listen carefully to most people describe their devotional life, the emphasis tends to be on “getting filled up for the day” or “interceding for the needs around me.” The root of the Daily Office is not so much a turning to God to get something but to be with Someone.

The word Office comes from the Latin word opus, or “work.” For the early church, the Daily Office was always the first “work of God.” Nothing was to interfere with that priority. I believe it must also be our first work as well.

In the podcast, I also break down one of my morning prayer times as a sample for you (being fully aware that each of us needs to find our own way) and lead you in a short Daily Office.

I thoroughly enjoyed preparing and delivering this podcast. I trust you will enjoy it as well.

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