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Redefining Success Jesus’ Way: Part 2 – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on February 28th, 2018

To allow Jesus’ and Scripture’s view of success to shape the way we lead is very, very challenging. Teaching about it is one thing. Living it is another.

In this podcast, I offer three examples of how to redefine success in ways that look beyond numbers in different arenas: at New Life Fellowship, for an upcoming family wedding event, and in the ministry of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship.

The remainder of the podcast then looks closely at the three factors necessary to internalize the kind of radical change necessary to make the doing of God’s will, regardless of where it leads, the measure of our success:

  • A deep integration of silence and solitude
  • A deep integration of Ignatius’ concept of indifference, remembering that a true surrender of our will to God’s will is a learned, struggled-for, and prayed-for obedience; and
  • A deep theology of God coming in our limits.

Here is Part 2 of this critically important teaching:

I will answer FAQ’s around this theme of success and Christian leadership (e.g. What do I do with my envious feelings?) in next week’s podcast.

Send questions you have to me on Twitter or Facebook @petescazzero to integrate into my preparation.


Pete Scazzero

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