Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Relax – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on August 28th, 2018

Your leadership role brings along with it lots of stress and anxiety. So how can you move away from the anxiety caused by the pressures around you to a place of relaxation and trust in Jesus?

Our ability to relax is likely directly related to our ability to release control and surrender in full belief and trust that Jesus has the control, not us. In the gospel of John the word “belief” can best be understood as “relax in” or “trust.” How do we get there? We move towards expressing our intent to relax and surrender our will to God’s presence through times of silence and stillness with Him.

Listen to Pete’s message based on John 6:16-21 and learn to relax.

The EH Discipleship Team

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