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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Remember the Lion and the Bear – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on November 19th, 2019

This podcast invites you into a lesson God brought into my life that shifted my view of myself and my leadership. I was struggling to lead New Life into her next phase. I had founded the church 18/19 years earlier and was at a personal crossroads. I struggled with self-doubt and pessimism around my abilities and wondered if I had the inner resources needed to take our church forward. Perhaps, I had given New Life all I had to give and it was time for someone new to be the senior leader.

Then God met me powerfully through the story of David in 1 Samuel 17. Unlike the army of Israel that was filled with great fear, he stepped over the counsel of Saul and his older siblings who said, “You are incapable and will fail.” And he attacked Goliath, leading God’s people into a new future.

How did he do it? He remembered the lion and the bear (1 Samuel 17:33-37).

In this podcast, after a few introductory remarks, I share a message I gave at New Life at our 20th Anniversary Service around this story. I apply the truth of the lion and the bear to the story of our church – remembering our past successes (along with a few significant failures), looking at our present Goliaths, and imagining a future where we as a church might charge our Goliaths.

My prayer is that you might receive a gift in this podcast, remembering the faithfulness of God to you. And in so doing, you might be filled with faith in our living God to make courageous decisions and lead wisely, strongly, and with integrity.



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