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Sharpen Your Decision-Making Pt. 2: Consolations and Desolations

Posted on June 27th, 2023

Decision-making is primarily about discernment. It’s the ability to make decisions that align with God’s will for your life and ministry.

The truth is – discernment is an art. It takes practice, attention, and a lifetime to develop.

But if there is one core practice that is the foundation of discernment, it is learning to pay attention to the movement of God in your own soul through consolations and desolations.

“Consolations and desolations” are terms offered by Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits over 500 years ago to describe the inner feelings that move you toward God and the ones that take you away from God.
There is much to be said about naming your consolations and desolations, which is why I am taking this entire podcast to explore this profound practice.

Leaders who are able to slow down and pay attention to the inner work of God will not only be effective, they will be able to lead from joy, rest, and freedom.


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