Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Skills to Revolutionize Your Prayer Life Pt. 1 : Explore the Iceberg

Posted on March 2nd, 2021

How would you describe the way you spend time with Jesus?

Most Christians consider prayer to be the place in which we present our requests, needs, and current life circumstances to God. But many of us, including pastors and leaders, were never taught how to bring the full range of our emotional life to God.

The truth is – human beings are like icebergs. Only 10% of our lives is visible to the eye. The other 90% is under the surface and hidden.

It is critical we learn how to become aware of our emotions, with the goal of processing them and discerning God’s will.

In today’s podcast, I walk you through a powerful skill, developed over 25 years, called “Explore the Iceberg”. It is both practical and profound. This skill has revolutionized the way I spend time with Jesus, and I know it will do the same for you!

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