Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Skills to Revolutionize Your Prayer Life Pt. 2: Climb the Ladder

Posted on March 9th, 2021

In order for deep change to take place in our lives, our THEOLOGY must be translated into PRACTICES. Our lives are only transformed when our biblical knowledge becomes a lived experience.

That’s why for the last 25 years, my wife Geri and I have developed practical SKILLS that help us to better love God and others.

Last week, I introduced a powerful skill called “Explore the Iceberg“, which is a tool that helps you explore and process your emotional life.

In today’s podcast, I introduce you to another skill called “Climbing the Ladder of Integrity.” It’s easy to feel stuck, not knowing what to pray. This powerful skill will help you clarify complex thoughts, values, and desires and discover what God might be revealing to you.

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