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Slowing Down for Loving Union – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on June 25th, 2019

Evangelicalism has many great strengths for which I am deeply grateful – love for Scripture, commitment to mobilize people to use their gifts, a passion to spread the gospel – to name a few. One of our great weaknesses, however, is our overactivity and busyness, our lack of a sufficient being with Jesus to sustain our doing for him.

In this podcast, I build on the chapter, “Slow Down for Loving Union,” from The Emotionally Healthy Leader, offering additional insights on how to allow Jesus full access to our lives in a posture of openness and surrender. I attempt to give a larger perspective on the unique challenges of leading when, at the same time, we’re seeking to deepen our abiding in Jesus. I also mention the 10 signs that indicate we’ve wandered from loving union with him. See how many apply to you today. You know you’re not experiencing loving union when you . . .

  1. Can’t shake the pressure you feel from having too much to do in too little time.
  2. Are always rushing.
  3. Routinely fire off quick opinions and judgments.
  4. Are often fearful about the future.
  5. Are overly concerned with what others think.
  6. Are defensive and easily offended.
  7. Are routinely preoccupied and distracted.
  8. Consistently ignore the stress, anxiety, and tightness of your body.
  9. Feel unenthusiastic or threatened by the success of others.
  10. Routinely spend more time talking than listening.

This theme of slowing down for loving union is so large that it requires we talk with others about it. Click here for an excellent, free discussion guide on The Emotionally Healthy Leader to wrestle about this further with your team.


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