Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Tag Archives: 5 C’s of Emotionally Healthy Hiring

New EH Leader Podcast: Emotionally Healthy Hiring

Hiring is, perhaps, the most challenging tasks of leaders (be they paid or unpaid). Poor discernment in this area results in stalled momentum, lots of extra meetings, and, often, hurt relationships.  I am not an expert on hiring, but I have made plenty of costly mistakes over the years. In this podcast Rich and I begin by talking about “emotionally unhealthy hiring” and then move into the nuances of the 5 C’s  of hiring – competence, calling, connection, character, and culture. Click below to watch the video or the link to listen to the audio file. LISTEN HERE   A blog post on the 5 C’s of Emotionally Healthy Hiring is found HERE. Thanks. Pete @petescazzero