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Tag Archives: body

Your Body is a Major, not Minor Prophet

Geri and I like often remind people: “Remember, the body is a major, not a minor prophet.” For this reason, one of the most significant indicators that all is well with our souls, that we are in loving union with Jesus, is that every cell in our body is relaxed. Why? Our bodies often know before our minds the state of our souls. When our lives are out of control, our stomach gets knotted, our neck tight, a tightness fills our shoulders, our fingers close up into a fist, our body posture closes up. For this reason, it is number one on our list of top signs below. (Geri reminded me of a 13th sign that I had omitted in Tuesday’s blog. Please note that below). Top 13 signs of not being loving union with Jesus 1. I feel anxiety in the tenseness and tightness in my body.2. I am not present or listening. Read more.

Your Body is a Major, not Minor Prophet

Geri and I like often to remind people: “Remember, the body is a major, not a minor prophet.” For this reason, one of the most significant indicators that all is well with our souls, that we are in loving union with Jesus, is that every cell in our body is relaxed. Why? Our bodies often know before our minds the state of our souls. When our lives are out of control, our stomach gets knotted, our neck tight, a tightness fills our shoulders, our fingers close up into a fist, our body posture closes up. For this reason, it is number one on our list of top signs below. (Geri reminded me of a 13th sign that I had omitted in Tuesday’s blog. Please note that below). Top 13 signs of not being loving union with Jesus 1. I feel anxiety in the tenseness and tightness in my body. 2. I am not present. Read more.

Self-Identity as the Key to Discernment

Augustine once said that God is always trying to give good things to us but our hands are too full to receive them. Roslyn H. Wright, a Director of Field Education at Whitley College in Australia, visited me in NYC recently. The following are reflections out of her work with seminary students around “Incarnational goal setting”: 1. God’s calls us to courageously lead out of our ‘true self.’ “The problem of sanctity and salvation is in fact the problem of finding out who I am and of discovering my true self” (Thomas Merton). God gives to each of us a “manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” with a unique working out of that gift in the Body and the world. The forces, internal and external, that move us away from that place of leading from within are enormous. 2. Prayer, particularly the Examen, along with a trusted community, is the foundation for. Read more.

Learning from Franciscan Friars in the South Bronx

We invited two young Franciscan friars from a monastic community in the South Bronx to give the sermon at New Life last Sunday. We interviewed them for 35 minutes at each of our three services. [Spirituality and Simplicity – 10.31.10 from New Life Fellowship on Vimeo.] A Panel Discussion with Franciscan Friars from the South Bronx- As part of our Financially Healthy Spirituality series; Matthew 6:24 While we have been learning from Christians from other traditions (i.e.Roman Catholic and Orthodox) for many years, I was very aware that having monks in the pulpit might push the limits of “acceptable practice” for our interdenominational, evangelical church.  It did push those limits outward and we had a few uncomfortable moments. Yet it was well worth the rich learnings for our community. These learnings included: 1. We are to be generous, not judgmental. We really are not the whole body of Christ. God is active and moving among people very different than us, even. Read more.

Mother Teresa Today

I encourage you to read the recent biography of Mother Teresa called Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the  “Saint of Calcutta“. It gives us a glimpse into her leadership, high activity level and struggle with the “dark night of the soul.” For me, it encouraged me in my own struggle to be an “active contemplative leader” Her life gives power to these words: We all must take the time to be silent and to contemplate, especially those who live in big cities like London and New York, where everything moves so fast… I always begin my prayer in silence, for it is in the silence of the heart that God speaks. God is the friend of silence –we need to listen to God because it’s not what we say but what He says to us and through us that matters. Prayer feeds the soul – as blood is to the body,. Read more.