Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

A Free Webinar March 12th 4pm ET

Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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Tag Archives: dignity

Circles of Trust Insights for Church Small Groups

Geri and I have been deeply influenced  in how we lead teams and small groups by Circles of Trust developed by Parker Palmer and the Center for Courage to Renewal . The insights from Circles of Trust form the backdrop and foundation of our efforts to create healthy community at New Life. In fact just last month we launched our small group of 22 people! The following are a few sample guidelines we shared with our small group at our first meeting: Speak for Yourself – Use “I” statements as much as possible. No Fixing, Saving, or Advising – Jesus alone is the Savior Turn to Wonder – If you feel judgemental or defensive when someone is sharing, ask yourself, “I wonder what brought him/her to this belief?” “I wonder what my reaction teaches me about me?” Silence – It is okay to have silence between responses as the group shares, giving members opportunity to reflect. Share for Yourself,. Read more.

The Wisdom of the Deer and Your True Self

Poetry has a wonderful way to draw out of us our true self before God.  Read the following poem slowly, prayerfully. Listen to what God might be saying to you today about His will for you. The Wisdom of the Deer …a deer standing before me shamelessly   telling me by his presence   through his very manner of being there what I did   was   all I could do  what I did  was truly  all I could do.  the deer didn’t move  for what seemed like the longest time  kept standing there  unflinching  regal  as if the fallen leaves  adorning his great hall      were lush earthen carpet  and I had been grated a brief audience  with a nobility  whose lineage was pure and undefiled  and then I understood  the wisdom of the deer  the secret to my own dignity  all I have ever been  is all I will ever need  I must look back  And. Read more.

Rule of Life NLF Part 2 (with commentary)

This is the second of four sections on the Rule of Life I have been developing for New Life Fellowship Church in Queens. We have only just begun to pilot it.   My concern is to keep us faithful to our charism, that is, our unique grace and calling. I think we are in great need for fresh, creative ways of understanding who we are as God’s people and His call on our lives.  I know I need this personally. What amazes me is that every week has more to do in it than available time. I don’t know how I ever lived without that 24 hour Sabbath each week!!  In a conversation with Basil Pennington that I had with him before he died (he was a Trappist monk for 55 years and prolific author), he shared with me how he longed for greater time with God, more contemplation now that he had just “retired.” And that was from a monk having 7-8 Daily Offices. Read more.

Rule of Life NLF Part 1 (with commentary)

      The church, in the Western world in particular, is in serious trouble. The culture has so overwhelmed us that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the church and the world. Historically, when there has been decline in the church, often new monastic movements have emerged (e.g. desert fathers, Francis of Assisi, Teresa of Avila, the Cistercians). I interpret the yearnings of the emergent movement and the younger generation towards the contemplative as a cry for something different, a cry for God.    I bring with me a strong ecclesiology. I believe God loves the local church bought at the price of His Son’s blood, and the development of mature, healthy communities is essential for global mission.  So, after 4 + years of  ponderings, I have written a Rule of Life to pilot in our local, missional, evangelical church.       I believe that simply calling people to spiritual disciplines as we have for decades is not. Read more.