Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

A Free Webinar March 12th 4pm ET

Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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Tag Archives: discipleship

What is EHS?

EHS is about helping people develop a deep personal transformative relationship with Jesus Christ out of which they serve the world. EHS is a solution to the problem of shallow Christianity and people not changing. EHS recovers biblical truths overlooked in Western culture (e.g. the gift of limits, loss and grief, brokenness and vulnerability). EHS enables leaders to serve both long-term and joyfully out of a deep interior life with Christ.We as leaders cannot give what we do not possess. EHS seeks to equip leaders to serve out a cup that overflows with the love of God. EHS is a long-term, missional spirituality. Our aim is to connect people deeply to Jesus, themselves, and each other in order to accomplish the churches’ vision for the world. EHS is about teaching people to love well in order to build healthy church communities. We teach people to connect in healthy, authentic ways, breaking unhealthy family of origin and cultural. Read more.

What is EHS?

EHS is about helping people develop a deep personal transformative relationship with Jesus Christ out of which they serve the world. EHS is a solution to the problem of shallow Christianity and people not changing. EHS recovers biblical truths overlooked in Western culture (e.g. the gift of limits, loss and grief, brokenness and vulnerability). EHS enables leaders to serve both long-term and joyfully out of a deep interior life with Christ.                                                                    We as leaders cannot give what we do not possess. EHS seeks to equip leaders to serve out a cup that overflows with the love of God. EHS is a long-term, missional spirituality. Our aim is to connect people deeply to Jesus, themselves, and each other in order to accomplish. Read more.

Equipping Singles and Marrieds: The Foundation of Transformed Churches

Geri and I have led a small group in our home for 25 of our 26 years at New Life. In fact, we begin our next one this coming week. We take a group of 16-18 people, marrieds and singles, and spend an intensive year together. Why do we do it?  The answer is simple: this is foundational to being a church where people are deeply transformed. Scripture teaches that both Christian singleness and marriage are sacramental vocations and prophetic. They each make visible the invisible reality of our marriage to Christ and are signs of God’s kingdom to a broken world (See Matt. 19:10-12 and Eph. 5:32). This vision is a far cry from both our secular and present church culture. I am daunted by the number and the complexity of issues bearing down on our people – the sexualization of our culture, dating, pornography, homosexuality, divorce, cohabitation, objectification of people, the challenges. Read more.

Singapore and Southeast Asia (Pilgrimage Reflection #6)

As with our time with Willow Creek New Zealand, we experienced a very full 7 days in Singapore, teaching 3 different seminars to over 500 pastors/leaders, and speaking to 1600 people at a large plenary session. We had the privilege to interact and learn from leaders from China, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myunnmar, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Brunei. How did God come to me/us? The groundswell of the life of God in Asia is quite distinct from our 35 years of leadership in the United States. There is an aliveness, a power, a passion, a creativity, and a movement of the Holy Spirit that is impossible to miss. The sheer number of Christians in China (estimates put it at 100 million) dwarfs North America. The center of Christianity truly has moved away from North America and Europe to Asia (along with Latin America and Africa). Emotionally Healthy Spirituality meets a profound felt need of. Read more.

Top 10 Quotes from Benedict's Rule: Part 1

Benedict (480-547 AD) lived in the time when the Roman Empire was disintegrating. He founded a monastery near Rome around “a little rule for beginners” now famously known as the “Rule of Benedict” (RB). I reread this short, powerful work regularly for my own grounding, both as a leader and a follower of  Jesus. Prayerfully consider the following, letting God speak to you through one or two of Benedict’s radical insights into discipleship/spiritual formation: 1. “This message is for you, then, if you are ready to give up your own will” (Prologue 3). 2. “Therefore we intend to establish a school for the Lord’s service” (Prologue 45). 3. “Above all, he (the abbot) must not show too great concern for the fleeting and temporal things of this world…but should keep in mind that he has undertaken the care of souls for whom he must give an account” (RB 2:33-34). 4. “Your way of acting should. Read more.

God, Tweets and Sound Bytes

God can’t be reduced to a tweet of a sound byte.  Transformation in Christ cannot be done in our present culture’s attention span. A saint is someone who sees the beauty of God in and through all things. This can’t be done on the run. We can communicate creative ideas in this format — but let’s distinguish that from the very large, costly work of the time needed in Scripture and stillness to be truly changed by God.