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Tag Archives: EHL conference

Five Reasons to Download The 2017 EH Leadership Conference

If you are a pastor or leader committed to building a disciple-making culture to change the world, then downloading The 2017 EH Leadership Conference may be one of the most important decisions you can make this year. With the upcoming release of The Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Courses in August (containing both The Emotionally Healthy Relationships Course and The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course), we have a unique opportunity to impact the way the church globally does discipleship. Thus, we are eager to get this excellent content into the hands of as many pastors and leaders as possible. Actually, there are five reasons for you to invest $49.99 to purchase this download package. You will receive: 1. 8 Church Leadership Video Sessions to view on demand: John the Baptist: The Unlikely Emotionally Healthy Leader Genogram Your Family: Going Back to Go Forward Leadership That Equips People to Live in the New Family of Jesus Climbing the. Read more.

Elijah – Leading from Silence

Elijah understood that silence and listening are the starting points for true, authentic spiritual leadership. Without it we lead from our own mind and ideas. But the only way to listen is to deeply engage the radical spiritual disciplines of silence and solitude – the most challenging and least experienced disciplines in the church today. Elijah lived in the desert for years – dependent on God alone for food and sustenance without projects or programs. The silence and solitude positioned him to listen and be formed into the leader God desired.  The longer he remained in the silence of the desert, the more free he became to follow God’s direction. Studies say that the average group can only bear silence for 15 seconds. Most of our personal lives and church services confirm this. Yet it is essential that silence and solitude become a regular and normal part of our days and weeks. How else. Read more.

Comment on The EHS Course by R. O. Ogbebor

I stumbled into EHL conference in May 2014 on website and I immediately signed up to attend online. It was a life changing experience. Since then I have been on your website feeding on every free resource I can find. Having been a Christian for 20years, I have been made to believe that Christianity excludes everything emotions and to make matters worse I am married to an emotionally distant spouse who has been a church leader in one form or another. Though I know there is an element of lie to that belief system, I was so comforted and free when I attended the conference. I believe this knowledge is so lacking in our Christianity today. I would love to become an EHS coordinator to first help myself and also others. I look forward to when I will have an opportunity to become one. I live in Canada. Thank you for the work. Read more.

Australia (Pilgrimage Reflection #7)

Geri and I finished our one month tour with a full week in Australia, speaking in Perth, Melbourne, and Brisbane to over 550 pastors/leaders. Each consisted of an all-day Emotionally Healthy Leadership seminar and an Emotionally Healthy Marriage seminar in the evening. How did God come to me/us? We found Australians warm, winsome, hospitable, direct (like good New Yorkers), and immediately responsive to us. We were deeply appreciative and humbled by the great privilege of speaking to so many pastors here. We also found that Emotionally Healthy Spirituality meets a profound felt need for deep, beneath the surface spiritual formation here.  A great sense of God’s presence permeated the meetings, even when we found ourselves tired from the travel. A number of denominations (e.g. The Salvation Army) and churches were already deeply engaged with EHS before we arrived. A number had done the EHS Church-Wide Initiative. The Emotionally Healthy Woman book and DVD course along. Read more.

EHL Conference -Opening Talk on the Leader's Marriage

This is the a segment of the opening talk Geri and I gave at our Pastor’s/Leader’s Marriage Pre-conference yesterday around a biblical theology of Marriage and Leadership. Beginning with our inadequate theology of marriage and leadership, we expound on the truth that as goes the leader’s marriage, so goes the church. It was our most recent attempt to present clearly this radical biblical paradigm that Scripture calls us to lead others out of our marriage. Enjoy. How might such a truth transform our churches and culture?

Leading/Pastoring out of Your Marriage — EHL Conference 2010

One of the more significant pieces of feedback I received from our Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference 2010 came out of the pre-conference on the leaders’s marriage. The following video contains Geri and I taking 25-30 minutes to provide a short summary of a biblical foundation for the pastor’s/leader’s marriage.  As one pastor remarked, “In twenty five years of pastoring, I have never heard that our leadership is to flow out of our marriage. It was a shock!” Enjoy: Intro to the EH Leadership Conf – 04.29.10 from New Life Fellowship on Vimeo. Pastor Pete & Geri Scazzero introduce the 2010 Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference. You can click on the image above for more pictures from our conference. What are your Thoughts? Perspectives?