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Tag Archives: Emotionally healthy leader

EH Leader Podcast: New Life Fellowship and The EHS Course

In this month’s podcast, Pete interviews Rich Villodas, the Lead Pastor at New Life Fellowship, on how the The EHS Course provides the foundation for discipleship/spiritual formation in our local church. It offers an inside look of Rich’s perspective on how The EHS Course provides a robust theology, shapes New Life Fellowship’s culture, and serves as a means to create long-term, healthy community. Click the video below to watch or the link to listen to the audio file. LISTEN HERE   Join Pete on Tuesday, March 8 @ 12 ET for his Emotionally Healthy Leader Webinar “Culture and Team Building”. Click below to REGISTER.  

The 5 C’s of Emotionally Healthy Hiring

Hiring is, perhaps, the most challenging tasks of leaders.  Why? Poor discernment in this area results in stalled momentum, lots of extra meetings, and, often, hurt relationships.  I am not an expert on hiring, but I have made plenty of costly mistakes over the years. 5 C’s summarize what I call “emotionally healthy” hiring: Competence. This is on every list of hiring – and should be. Does the person have the skills, knowledge, and ability to do the job? I overlooked asking hard questions in this area for years when I had great “chemistry” with the person, had history or friendship, or had become impatient waiting for God’s provision. I have never made a good hiring decision under pressure. Calling. Does this potential person discern God is in this for the next step of their journey with Jesus? As we pray, do we believe God is in this? What does their spouse hear from. Read more.

Making Plans Without God

God’s leaders have been making plans without him since the beginning of recorded history. Abraham and Sarah grew impatient and decided Abraham would sleep with Hagar. Moses impulsively killed an Egyptian in a misguided effort. The ancient Israelites demanded a king like other nations. Jonah preferred to go in the opposite direction from God’s assignment. Judas Iscariot quit following Jesus’ slow plan to the cross and took matters in his own hands. As leaders we cast vision. The problem is that we can easily cast visions from our own minds, not the mouth of the Lord (Jer. 23:16).  As leaders we “get things done.” The problem is we may be getting them done apart from the unpredictable movements of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 3:8). As leaders we are told to grow our following. The problem is we are to be followers first (John 21:19). These are only a few of the challenges around this. Read more.

The Emotionally Healthy Leader: More Than a Book

I wrote The Emotionally Healthy Leader with one primary goal in mind – to profoundly transform the leadership culture in our churches. Why? Long-term, sustainable, and effective mission in the world requires a deep spirituality which informs the way we: build cultures and teams, engage in planning and decision making, handle power and boundaries, and do endings/new beginnings.   For this to take place, our leadership teams need time to talk about the core concepts from The Emotionally Healthy Leader for our specific leadership contexts. Towards that end I wrote a free EH Leader Study and Discussion Guide and now have recorded 3-8 minute video introductions on each of the chapters as you launch into the discussion of the book. (These have been immensely helpful for us in our New Life Staff Team discussions). Introduction to the EH Leader Chapter 1:  The Emotionally Unhealthy Leader  The Inner Life Chapter 2: Face Your Shadow Chapter. Read more.

Know Yourself that You May Know God

Geri and I spent time last summer with Onnuri Church and her 75,000 people in Seoul, Korea. Yes, 75,000 people! They also have over 800 people serving around the world, a 650+ student seminary training leaders in both Korean and English, and a high-quality CGNTV station that equips missionaries around the world.   We did an Emotionally Healthy Leaders Conference for pastors from around South Korea as well as their staff. Yet we left them, I believe, having received many more blessings than we gave. Onnuri is an amazing church with a godly, humble Senior Pastor – Jaehoon Lee. (I do not use the word amazing lightly). We look forward to doing a Part 2 of EHS with them next summer. They published an excellent article based on an interview they did with us entitled: Know Yourself that You May Know God. We felt it was so well done and perceptive that we wanted. Read more.

Top 10 Blogs of 2015

As we enter a New Year I like to take time to review and listen afresh to what God might be saying and doing. This process includes my blog. The blogs that I thought were most important (e.g. Beyond an Airbrushed Spirituality) didn’t make the top ten.  Blogs that I considered less important did.  A key lesson for me is that people are very interested in detailed applications of EHS in different, real life situations (e.g. “Emotionally Healthy Birthday Planning” is a future blog). Here are my top ten posts from 2015: 10 Qualities of an Emotionally Healthy Wedding Top 10 Quotes from Elie Wiesel’s Memoirs Characteristics of the Emotionally Unhealthy Leader Quit Living Someone Else’s Life  Four Steps to a Meaningful Sabbath  You Know Your Not Doing Endings Well When  Quit Overfunctioning  Four Unhealthy Commandments of Church Leadership  My #1 Mistake as a Leader  Why Can’t We Slow DownÂ