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Tag Archives: Emotionally Healthy Marriage

Leading out of Your Marriage

Christian marriage (in contrast to secular marriage) is a paradigm shift so radical that it transforms our leadership, our relationships, our parenting, our decision-making, our team building, our missional strategies, etc. Virtually nothing remains the same once we “get” this shift. The chart below lays out the contrast between the two: May God give us grace to develop marriages that are a sign and wonder that point to Jesus and offer a visible picture of the depth of God’s love for the world. –Pete Twitter @petescazzero

EH Leader Podcast: Slowing Down for Loving Union

In this episode of the Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast Pete Scazzero and Rich Villodas discuss slowing down from our busy schedules, lives and “doing” for God to actually be with God. This conversation comes out of Pete’s most recent book The Emotionally Healthy Leader. To watch the conversation click the YouTube video below or to listen click on the podcast button: EHS Podcast on iTunes

How to Make Your Marriage Your Loudest Gospel Message

Understanding singleness and marriage as callings or vocations must inform our self-understanding and the outworking of our leadership. Our whole life as a leader is to bear witness to God’s love for the world. But we do so in different ways as marrieds or singles. Married couples bear witness to the depth of Christ’s love. Their vows focus and limit them to loving one person exclusively, permanently, and intimately. Singles bear witness to the breadth of Christ’s love. Because they are not limited by a vow to one person, they have more freedom and time to express the love of Christ to a broad range of people. Both marrieds and singles point to and reveal Christ’s love, but in different ways. Both need to learn from one another about these different aspects of Christ’s love. If you want to lead out of your marriage, then you must make marriage — not leadership — your. Read more.

Special Offer! The EH Leader’s Marriage Conference Video Download Is Available

The Emotionally Healthy Leader’s Marriage conference video download is now available! Experience this dynamic full day marriage seminar from the 2015 Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference. For one week only, the 2015 EH Leader’s Marriage Conference video download is available on digital download for $25.  That’s 50% off the regular $50 price. We are not leaders who happen to be married.  God calls us to actually lead out of our marriage as a sign and wonder. Learn practical skills for emotional connection, and begin to uncover the heart of marital spirituality – a passionate sexual relationship that reflects the love of Christ.  The 2015 EH Leader’s Marriage download pack includes 5 sessions that a deeper look into these biblical themes on marriage: Leading Out of a Marriage that is a Sign and Wonder Community Temperature Reading Speaking and Incarnational Listening Quit Criticism, Choose Affirmation Sex as Communication Also included in the download pack are the complete conference. Read more.

10 Qualities of an Emotionally Healthy Wedding

The longer you are in EHS, the more you realize it impacts every area of life. The following post is something Geri and I wrote after our daughter’s wedding two years ago as we were learning the difference between “standard Christian weddings” and “emotionally healthy Christian weddings.” Take a look.  

New Podcast: Leading Out of Your Marriage or Singleness

What is leading out of your marriage or singleness? In this month’s Emotionally Healthy Leadership podcast Rich Villodas and Pete Scazzero continue the conversation around this core leadership theme in Pete’s new book: The Emotionally Healthy Leader. We hope you will take 15 minutes to view and consider sharing it with other leaders. Click the image below to watch the conversation on YouTube.