LeaderSHIFT: 8 Pivotal Breakthroughs of Emotionally Healthy Leaders

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Tag Archives: geri Scazzero

2018 Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Summit

Be inspired. Be equipped. Be networked. April 25-26, 2018 Geri and I, along with the EHS Team are excited to invite you to our 2018 Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Summit! The Emotionally Healthy Courses continue to spread rapidly as a movement, reaching into more than 30 countries and now being taught in almost 300 churches in North America. And this is before the courses are released as The Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Courses Leader’s Kit on Oct 28th! Our vision is to carefully invest in the quality of the EH Discipleship Courses being done in churches around the world.  So, if you are doing the EH Discipleship Courses, or are seriously considering doing them, join us! The Summit’s Purpose: Be inspired by what God is doing Be equipped with the best learnings and practices to lead a high-quality course Be networked with like-minded leaders and churches from around the world The Summit’s Delegates: Pastors, Discipleship/Spiritual Formation. Read more.

Four Learnings from Our EHS Trip to Brazil

Geri and I just returned, this past Tuesday, from an eventful, seven-day trip with our ministry partners (Ministerio Espiritualidad Emocionalmente Saudavel or MEES for short) in Brazil. I always journal after a trip around the question: “God, how did You come to me, and what did You say?” The following are the top four things I heard: 1. Gift. Every culture and country in the world reflects aspects of the beauty of God (see Revelation 21:24). Brazilians offer a joy, a warmth, an optimism, and a passion for life that is a wonder to behold. I heard God’s invitation afresh to marvel and worship Him for such creativity to place such amazing gifts in so many cultures around the world. 2. Global Church Shift. We experienced first-hand, once again, the shift of the church from Europe and North America to the global South (Africa, Latin America, Asia). The church in Brazil continues to grow. Read more.

Dying and Rising with Jesus: 3 Stories

Let me invite you to prayerfully watch/listen to an extraordinary sermon given by 3 women this past Sunday at New Life. This was one of those very rare moments when I have realized the inexpressible holy was among us. We were being offered a glimpse of the risen Jesus in brokenness, vulnerability, and suffering. God’s glory was passing by. And He removed His hand, allowing us to see His back (Ex. 33:20-23). Geri delicately and skillfully draws out the stories of these 3 amazing women and their journey with Jesus: Kim – rejected by her parents as “ugly” at birth due to a cleft palate. Fathima – a victim of domestic abuse. Marie – a Mom of two “differently-abled” (or “disabled”) children with myotubular myopathy. Every person in our church has a story, a beautiful story where the Living Jesus wants to intervene and reveal Himself – if they allow Him. My prayer is. Read more.

10 New Year’s Resolutions by Geri Scazzero

New Year’s Resolutions are traditionally approached in what you will do different this year to make life better. I will go to the gym 3x/ week (or, I will find a gym!). I will get 8 hours sleep. I will take a cooking class. Here is another approach to the New Years Resolutions specifically for emotional and spiritual maturity. Instead of resolving to “do” something, how about resolving to “quit” something? I will quit being afraid of what others think I will not say “yes” when I really want to say “no” because I’m are afraid the other person will be angry, sad or disappointed. I will quit agreeing with people if I really don’t agree with them. I won’t be okay with myself only if you are okay with me. I will quit lying I will be honest with MYSELF. I will admit what I am really thinking, really feeling, and what I. Read more.

Emotionally Healthy Leadership Podcast: Marriage and Sex Part 2

In part 2 of this conversation led by Rick Villodas we dig deeper into the implications of a healthy marriage on a leader.  Pete and Geri Scazzero share from their experiences and the critical importance of cultivating affirmation in your marriage.   We hope you will take 16 minutes today to listen to this conversation and that you apply these critical principles into your marriage today.  To listen to this podcast on iTunes click here.

Powers and principalities

Rich Villodas (New Life Fellowship, Lead Pastor) and Pete and Geri Scazzero (EHS) talk about the clash that occurs when EHS comes into a persons life.