Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Tag Archives: Global EHS

Four Learnings from Our EHS Trip to Brazil

Geri and I just returned, this past Tuesday, from an eventful, seven-day trip with our ministry partners (Ministerio Espiritualidad Emocionalmente Saudavel or MEES for short) in Brazil. I always journal after a trip around the question: “God, how did You come to me, and what did You say?” The following are the top four things I heard: 1. Gift. Every culture and country in the world reflects aspects of the beauty of God (see Revelation 21:24). Brazilians offer a joy, a warmth, an optimism, and a passion for life that is a wonder to behold. I heard God’s invitation afresh to marvel and worship Him for such creativity to place such amazing gifts in so many cultures around the world. 2. Global Church Shift. We experienced first-hand, once again, the shift of the church from Europe and North America to the global South (Africa, Latin America, Asia). The church in Brazil continues to grow. Read more.

Know Yourself that You May Know God

Geri and I spent time last summer with Onnuri Church and her 75,000 people in Seoul, Korea. Yes, 75,000 people! They also have over 800 people serving around the world, a 650+ student seminary training leaders in both Korean and English, and a high-quality CGNTV station that equips missionaries around the world.   We did an Emotionally Healthy Leaders Conference for pastors from around South Korea as well as their staff. Yet we left them, I believe, having received many more blessings than we gave. Onnuri is an amazing church with a godly, humble Senior Pastor – Jaehoon Lee. (I do not use the word amazing lightly). We look forward to doing a Part 2 of EHS with them next summer. They published an excellent article based on an interview they did with us entitled: Know Yourself that You May Know God. We felt it was so well done and perceptive that we wanted. Read more.

A Few Observations from Singapore/Malaysia

During this visit to Southeast Asia, we have given 3 different Emotionally Healthy Spirituality conferences in 3 very different venues. This included a conference for the 27 churches of the Anglican diocese of Singapore (along with a number of other churches) and the Eagle’s Leadership Conference with over 1600 leaders representing 19 countries. We joined a diverse group of speakers that included high-ranking government officials, CEO’s, bishops, pastors, and the President of Fuller Theological Seminary. While we spoke on “Leading out of Your Marriage or Singleness” to the whole conference, we also gave an all-day EHS seminar to about 200 participants that was simultaneously translated into Bhasa Indonesian, Cantonese, and Thai. The third leg of our trip was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where Pete preached at a dynamic, 3000+ member SIBKL church. Over the next two days he will be giving a conference on “Transforming Your Church through the EHS Course, EHS Skills, and. Read more.