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Tag Archives: leader

Emotionally Healthy Leadership Podcast: Marriage and Sex Part 2

In part 2 of this conversation led by Rick Villodas we dig deeper into the implications of a healthy marriage on a leader.  Pete and Geri Scazzero share from their experiences and the critical importance of cultivating affirmation in your marriage.   We hope you will take 16 minutes today to listen to this conversation and that you apply these critical principles into your marriage today.  To listen to this podcast on iTunes click here.

If you are going to marry…

“If you are going to marry,” thundered the speaker to the 17,000 of us attending the Urbana Student Missions Conference, “…make sure you marry someone who doubles your ministry, and doesn’t cut it in half.” Nobody had said it quite that bluntly before but that was the message about marriage that I was taught as a young Christian leader. The focus of my energy became accumulating knowledge and skills. I read books, attended seminars, traveled to conferences, and invested three years of my life in seminary. Marriage was only talked about in the context of helping other couples. Most present-day theology on a leader’s marriage reflects this secular view: I am a leader who happens to be married. The Christian view, however, is very different. We lead out of a marriage that serves as a sign and wonder of God’s love for the world (Ephesians 5:32). Since Geri and I started our emotionally healthy. Read more.

A Leader’s Prayer

Let nothing disturb you,Nothing frighten you;All things are passing;God never changes;Patient endurance attains all things;Whoever possesses God is wanting in nothing;God alone suffices. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)

Parenting Teens and Tweens: I am my kids biggest problem

At a recent Youth event for the parents of tweens and teens at NLF I had the privilege of being interviewed. Here are two of my most important lessons as a parent: #1     I  am my kids’ biggest problem. This was in response to the first question, “What’s the most important piece of advice you can give to parents of tweens and teens?” This was not hard for me to answer. This is something I have thought long and hard about and has been a guiding principle for me for years. The following quote about leadership (Every parent is a leader in their home.) sheds  light on why we as parents are potentially our kids’ biggest problem: A leader is someone with the power to project either shadow or light upon some part of the world, and upon the lives of the people who dwell there. A leader shapes the ethos in. Read more.

Leaders that Sabotage Themselves: Part 2

Daniel Goleman’s research on emotional intelligence established that people who fail in life and work has to do, more often, with who they are (EQ) then what they know (IQ). Many people have built on this work over the years. David Dotlich and Peter Cairo in their book, Why CEO’s Fail, identify 11 detailers they consistently found in CEO’s and senior leaders in their work around the world. They are: Arrogance: You’re right and everybody else is wrong. Melodrama: You always grab the center of attention. Excessive Caution: Your mood swings drive business swings. Habitual Distrust: The next decision you make may be your first. Aloofness: You disengage and disconnect. Mischievousness: Rules are made to be broken. Eccentricity: It’s fun to be different just for the sake of it. Passive Resistance: Your silence is misinterpreted as agreement. Perfectionism: Get the little things right even if the big things go wrong. Eagerness to Please: Winning. Read more.

Leaders that Sabotage Themselves: Part 1

According to Robert Hogan, an industrial psychologist and professor, two-thirds of the people currently in leadership will fail; they will be fired, demoted, or “kicked upstairs.” The most common reason will be their inability to build or maintain a team. (Hogan defines leadership as “the capacity to build and maintain a high-performance team.”) Why? Certain dysfunctional tendencies, which lie outside their awareness and are invisible, only reveal themselves when people are under significant stress or lack rest. These deeply ingrained personality traits cause smart, well-intentioned leaders to act in illogical ways — making poor decisions, alienating key people, missing opportunities, and overlooking obvious trends around them. I have seen many church leaders rise and fall over the last three decades. A friend who teaches leadership at Harvard and Stanford recently introduced me to the research around this theme. See Why CEOs Fail (Dotlich and Cairo). Every leader has significant vulnerabilities and derailers. Great ones. Read more.