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Tag Archives: Leadership

Top Signs of Not Being in “Loving Union”

There are few more important questions for leaders today then to discern the signs of when we are, or are not, walking in loving union with Jesus. Like an oil light in a car, these signs serve as warning signs to slow down and adjust our lives. They will be slightly different for each of us, depending on our vulnerabilities. The following are the top 12 that call out to me that something is not in order in my work as a pastor/leader: Top 12 signs of not being in loving union with Jesus 1. I feel anxiety in the tenseness and tightness in my body.2. I am not present or listening intently.3. I feel pressure, with too much to do in too little time.4. I am rushing.5. I give quick opinions and judgments.6. I am fearful about the future.7. I am overly concerned with what others think.8. I am defensive and easily offended.9.. Read more.

Top Signs of Not Being in "Loving Union"

There are few more important questions for leaders today then to discern the signs of when we are, or are not, walking in loving union with Jesus. Like an oil light in a car, these signs serve as warning signs to slow down and adjust our lives. They will be slightly different for each of us, depending on our vulnerabilities. The following are the top 12 that call out to me that something is not in order in my work as a pastor/leader: Top 12 signs of not being in loving union with Jesus 1. I feel anxiety in the tenseness and tightness in my body. 2. I am not present or listening intently. 3. I feel pressure, with too much to do in too little time. 4. I am rushing. 5. I give quick opinions and judgments. 6. I am fearful about the future. 7. I am overly concerned with what others think.. Read more.

Bearing Reality Through Reading

T.S. Eliot noted in Four Quartets: “Humankind cannot bear very much reality.” Reading broadly helps us as lead from a a broader place of life, from a place of reality. The following are two short books that I read recently that helped place my life more accurately within “reality.” The Diving Bell and the Butterfly: A Memoir of Life in Death is about about a French, 44-year old father and husband who was editor-in-chief of Elle magazine. He writes by blinking with his left eye as he lay dying in a hospital as a quadriplegic. Having suddenly lost everything through a rare disease, he finds himself trapped in a body that will not work. His final reflections on life are captured here in painful clarity as he finds himself utterly alone before he dies. The Wave is written by a wife who loses her husband, two children, and parents in the cataclysmic tsunami of December 26th, 2004. Read more.

The Temptation to Strike the Rock

Bruce Gangnier’s sculpture of Moses Striking the Rock captures the one of the great temptations of leadership. Moses was commanded by God to speak to the rock so his “church” (2-3 million strong) might have water to drink. Instead, out of great frustration and anger, he struck the rock twice with his staff (Numbers 20:7-12). Moses never sees the Promised Land. Many of us miss the joy and peace of leading others in Jesus’ name (our Promised Land) because we are anxious, fearful, angry, frustrated and tired. The people get their water, as the Israelites did, but we pay a steep price. I have struck the rock more times than I want to count. Why? There are 2 temptations: 1. To build our own kingdom. We become unsure if we can trust God to grow our churches. So we help Him along, initiating programs and ministries to move the church along without consulting Him. 2. To force things because. Read more.

The Cross, Succession, and the False Self

Pete Scazzero (EHS) and Pastor Rich Villodas (Lead Pastor, New Life Fellowship) speak about a recent leadership conference held at New Life Fellowship led by Dr. Robert Mullholland.

Follow the Thread

Take a few minutes to meditate on this lovely poem by William Stafford (1914–1993). It lays out the indispensable foundation for both the Christian life and great leadership. The Way It Is There’s a thread you follow. It goes amongthings that change. But it doesn’t change.People wonder about what you are pursuing.You have to explain about the thread.But it is hard for others to see.While you hold it you can’t get lost.Tragedies happen; people get hurtor die; and you suffer and get old.Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding.You don’t ever let go of the thread.