Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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Tag Archives: pete scazzero

Podcast: The Launch of the EHS Course

This month join Rich Villodas and Pete Scazzero as they discuss the new Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course.  Rich shares the impact that the course is having on New Life Fellowship in New York and Pete discusses the global movement that is growing out of this course.  In this 12 minute podcast you will learn more about the goals for the EHS Course and the impact that it can make in the life of your church.      

Discover your sealed orders

God has a plan for each one of us. One way to discern our distinctive life is from the perspective of discovering our “sealed orders” from Him. Sealed orders, historically, referred to specific written instructions given, for example, to the captain of a ship regarding his destination or mission. They were not to be opened until a specified time or place is reached. They were then opened and followed. God has given each one of us sealed orders for our lives. He invites us to open them by paying attention to the little everyday things that give us life. God comes to us in so many ways when we are still before Him. A key way for me has been to pay attention to God coming through my body as I pray. Author Sheila Linn simply and profoundly describes this process: “When I am in touch with the special purpose of my life in. Read more.

The Cross, Succession, and the False Self

Pete Scazzero (EHS) and Pastor Rich Villodas (Lead Pastor, New Life Fellowship) speak about a recent leadership conference held at New Life Fellowship led by Dr. Robert Mullholland.

Lead Pastor Transition Overview

Pete Scazzero (EHS’s Founder, and New Life Fellowship’ Pastor at Large) speaks with Rich Villodas (New Life Fellowship’s Lead Pastor) about the transition at New Life Fellowship that was just completed. In the fall of 2013 Pete Scazzero transitioned out of the role of Lead Pastor of New Life Fellowship and Rich Villodas became New Life’s new Lead Pastor.

An Interview I did with Bill Hybels

Hey everyone, here’s a Defining Moments interview I did recently with Bill Hybels, Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church. I had a great time with him.  They’re a fantastic ministry whose partnership I am thoroughly enjoying with the Willow Creek Association. Click on this link for the interview: Emotionally Healthy Leadership (MP3) Bill Hybels and Peter Scazzero This recording is from Defining Moments, Willow Creek Association’s monthly audio journal for church leaders. Description: Your leadership is affected more than you may imagine by the your emotional health. Listen to Bill Hybels and Pete Scazzero, Senior Pastor of New Life Fellowship Church in Queens, NY and author of The Emotionally Healthy Church and Emotionally Healthy Spirituality discuss ways to assess your own emotional health, the affects of your emotional health on the teams you lead, and steps you can take to improve.