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Tag Archives: podcast

EH Leader Podcast: Slowing Down for Loving Union

In this episode of the Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast Pete Scazzero and Rich Villodas discuss slowing down from our busy schedules, lives and “doing” for God to actually be with God. This conversation comes out of Pete’s most recent book The Emotionally Healthy Leader. To watch the conversation click the YouTube video below or to listen click on the podcast button: EHS Podcast on iTunes

A Request From Pete

We are so excited about The Emotionally Healthy Leader that releases on June 30th! It is the fruit of 8 years of thinking, and 18 months of writing. (I am glad it is over!) Zondervan, along with Amazon, have worked out a special offer we want to share with you.  If you go to and pre-order a copy of The Emotionally Healthy Leader you will also receive a FREE eBook version of the book along with free bonus content. We hope you will take advantage of this special offer as well as share it with others.  Below is a link to pre-order the book along with a tweet or social media post for you to let others know about this offer. Thanks so much! – Pete (and the EHS Team) Pre-order @petescazzero‘s new book The Emotionally Healthy Leader by going to & get a FREE eBook version also #EHLeader

New Podcast: Exercising Power and Wise Boundaries

“Navigating issues of power is a true test of both character and leadership” -Pete Scazzero (The Emotionally Healthy Leader, Zondervan 2015). In this month’s Emotionally Healthy Leadership Podcast, Pete Scazzero and Rich Villodas explore how stewarding power well and setting wise boundaries can build a safe and healthy environment for leaders and those they lead. We encourage you to watch below or download on iTunes. For additional in-depth conversations on transformational leadership join us at the Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference April 22-23.

The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation

In this months Emotionally Healthy Leadership Podcast Pete Scazzero and Rich Villodas discuss the church, the gospel and racial reconciliation. We hope you will take a few minutes to listen in on this very honest conversation around a critical cultural issue.  

5 Levels of Transformation

Explore how the 5 Levels of Transformation impact change and leadership in this months Emotionally Healthy Leadership podcast with Pete Scazzero and Rich Villodas. This 13 minute conversation examines learning and the slow process of personal transformation and transforming church culture. Click the image below to watch on YouTube or click to listen to the podcast on iTunes.    

Leading Out of Your Singleness

In this month’s podcast, Pete and Rich offer a unique, historical, and theological perspective on the critically important issue of singleness and leadership. Enjoy this challenging podcast on one of the most important topics for the global church today. (A previous podcast treats the theme “Leading Out of Your Marriage“).