Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

A Free Webinar March 12th 4pm ET

Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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Tag Archives: positivity


(Here are some very helpful words from a mentor of my husband’s.) There are simply times in life where new things hit us, and we feel completely overwhelmed. Here are some suggestions for moving beyond overwhelmed: 1. STOP … recognize it … admit it, “What am I feeling? … Overwhelmed!” 2. ASK … “Am I tired?” … Vince Lombardi — “Fatigue makes cowards of us all” 3. UPDATE / CREATE my “Life Milestones List” * Remembering past accomplishment brings a sense of deep encouragement 4. SHIFT my focus from “What I lack to what I have” * Moving from negative to positive 5. UPDATE my … Visual Perspective Chart to Re-focus my thinking * Visual Perspective Chart … a sheet of paper with an icon of you in the center … and all of the pieces swirling around in your head somewhere on the sheet … this gives you a visual picture of all. Read more.

Circles of Trust Insights for Church Small Groups

Geri and I have been deeply influenced  in how we lead teams and small groups by Circles of Trust developed by Parker Palmer and the Center for Courage to Renewal . The insights from Circles of Trust form the backdrop and foundation of our efforts to create healthy community at New Life. In fact just last month we launched our small group of 22 people! The following are a few sample guidelines we shared with our small group at our first meeting: Speak for Yourself – Use “I” statements as much as possible. No Fixing, Saving, or Advising – Jesus alone is the Savior Turn to Wonder – If you feel judgemental or defensive when someone is sharing, ask yourself, “I wonder what brought him/her to this belief?” “I wonder what my reaction teaches me about me?” Silence – It is okay to have silence between responses as the group shares, giving members opportunity to reflect. Share for Yourself,. Read more.