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Tag Archives: Reading. Recommended books. Leadership. preaching and reading.

Summer Reading Picks 2012!

I believe reading broadly is foundational to good leadership. It widens our lens through which we serve and feed people. Take a look! Behind The Beautiful Forevers. This was my favorite read of the summer. Very well-written. Brilliant insights into a Mumbai slum where Boo spent years researching. Anyone involved with the poor, both in North America and globally, needs to read this book (e.g. those involved with our New Life Community Development Center). See her outstanding interview with Bill Gates. Julian of Norwhich. God continues to come to me through her revelations on the love of God. Julian of Norwich has been called, by some, the greatest spiritual writer in the history of the church. I never understood it till now. Poland. This one by Michener was fascinating to illumine both Poland and Eastern European history, especially their long history with Russia and Germany. Disturbing The Peace. Havel was the last president of Czechoslovakia (1989–1992) and. Read more.