Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Tag Archives: sadness

10 New Year’s Resolutions by Geri Scazzero

New Year’s Resolutions are traditionally approached in what you will do different this year to make life better. I will go to the gym 3x/ week (or, I will find a gym!). I will get 8 hours sleep. I will take a cooking class. Here is another approach to the New Years Resolutions specifically for emotional and spiritual maturity. Instead of resolving to “do” something, how about resolving to “quit” something? I will quit being afraid of what others think I will not say “yes” when I really want to say “no” because I’m are afraid the other person will be angry, sad or disappointed. I will quit agreeing with people if I really don’t agree with them. I won’t be okay with myself only if you are okay with me. I will quit lying I will be honest with MYSELF. I will admit what I am really thinking, really feeling, and what I. Read more.

The Most Important Question of Every Day

Discerning God’s will in making decisions is the most important thing we do each day — both personally and in our leadership of others. Assuming that you are committed to the overall direction of Scripture and are willing to do whatever God asks, the Examen developed by Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) is the best means I know to discern God’s will. God speaks to us is through our deepest feelings and yearnings in what Ignatius called “consolations” and “desolations.” Consolations are those experiences that fill us with joy, life, energy and peace. Desolations are those that drain us and feel like death. Consolations connect us with ourselves, others and God. Desolations disconnect us.  The process below is one simple way of discovering the interior movements of God through which He is speaking and leading. Scripture: Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.1 John 4:1 Silence: 1. Read more.

The Most Important Question of Every Day

Discerning God’s will in making decisions is the most important thing we do each day — both personally and in our leadership of others. Assuming that you are committed to the overall direction of Scripture and are willing to do whatever God asks, the Examen developed by Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) is the best means I know to discern God’s will. God speaks to us is through our deepest feelings and yearnings in what Ignatius called “consolations” and “desolations.” Consolations are those experiences that fill us with joy, life, energy and peace. Desolations are those that drain us and feel like death. Consolations connect us with ourselves, others and God. Desolations disconnect us.  The process below is one simple way of discovering the interior movements of God through which He is speaking and leading. Scripture: Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. 1 John. Read more.

I Will Quit Denying Sadness, Anger and Fear

Many of us live inhuman lives because we believe inhuman rules like “don’t be sad”, “it’s bad to be angry”, or you’re weak if you’re afraid.” I will give myself license to feel all my feelings and not mark any of them as bad or weak. ALL my feelings are “guests” sent to teach me something. I won’t put them in the driver’s seat and let them control me or put them in the trunk and ignore them. I will pay attention to them all and then decide what to do with them.

Things You Need to Quit. Begin with #1

1. Quit Being Afraid of What Others Think 2. Quit Lying 3. Quit Dying to the Wrong Things 4. Quit Denying Anger, Sadness, Fear 5. Quit Blaming 6. Quit Overfunctioning 7. Quit Faulty Thinking 8. Quit Living Someone Else’s Life 1. Quit Being Afraid of What Others Think • I will not say “yes” when I really want to say “no” because I’m afraid the other person will be angry, sad or disappointed. I will quit agreeing with people if I really don’t agree with them. • I don’t need your approval to feel good about myself. I already have intrinsic worth and value as a human being because of God’s love in creating me and dying for me – I have nothing left to prove!