Emotionally Healthy Evangelism

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Tag Archives: Summit

Is the EH Discipleship Summit Right for You?

Dear Leader, You are probably wondering whether the 2018 Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Summit is right for you, your team and your church. You may be wondering if it makes sense to set aside the time and resources to attend. Click the image below to find out why the EH Discipleship Summit is right for you. There’s still time to complete the prerequisites and join us: You complete a review of the content of The EH Spirituality Course and The EH Relationships Course Your ministry has done The EH Spirituality or The EH Relationships Course or plans to do them in in the next year You attend a Live Stream Training Event on how to lead the Courses Take these 3 steps to complete the prerequisites: Buy the EH Discipleship Course Leaders Kit Go through the Leaders Kit content on your own or with someone Attend a Training Event or Download the Training on Demand. Read more.

Insights from Bill Hybels – Global Leadership Summit 2013

As I sat in the front row listening to Bill Hybel’s first talk at the Leadership Summit a few weeks ago, I was richly blessed. The following are five themes I brought to a time of stillness before God when it was over.  I pray you will consider doing the same. 1. We lead from a God-centered perspective, but we do it imperfectly. (In other words, give yourself grace for mistakes you will inevitably make). 2. You are the most difficult person you will ever lead. 3. A leader’s most valuable asset is not his/her time but their energy. 4. Six by Six (6 by6). What are six things you can do in the next six weeks to offer your best contribution to your organization? Order your life as a leader to stay focused and make the maximum impact you can for God’s kingdom. 5. Thank God for the great privilege to lead.  Only. Read more.

Summer Reflections: WCA Leadership Summit

I normally like to write one  thoughtful blog per week. However, due to both vacation and the “pondering” time needed to reflect on the topics below, I am long overdue. I will start with the WCA Summit and finish with my next blog on China and Wendell Berry. WCA Leadership Summit, Aug.6-7, 2009. This was my first summit and I was extremely blessed, inspired, challenged, and encouraged by the speakers and flow of the conference. The gift of Bill  Hybels and Willow to the entire discussion around global church leadership was evident. There are few venues like the Summit to challenge and stretch leaders like this one. I plan to bring our entire staff next year. Concerns: 1. The Slowing Down Omission. The gift of leadership, like all spiritual gifts, has a shadow side and is potentially damaging. I know this only too well!  The fact that we can lead and seize opportunities for. Read more.