Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Tag Archives: true self

My Top Ten Lessons of Leadership

If you ask 10 different leaders what they had learned over a long period of time, you will receive 10 different lists. It is determined by your unique journey and your strengths and weaknesses. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of what a leader needs to learn. Rather it is what I wish a mentor had helped me understand from the beginning. I wish some kind mentor might have said the following words to me: 1. Be Yourself Pete, calmly differentiate your “true self” from the demands and voices around you. Discern the desires, vision, pace, and mission the Father has give you as you lead. Take off Saul’s armor. Be clear about yourself. Learn to control your reactivity. And remember, “to live unfaithfully to yourself is to cause others great damage.” Rumi 2.   Your First Work is to be a Contemplative before God. (i.e. to be with Him) You are not. Read more.

The Wisdom of the Deer and Your True Self

Poetry has a wonderful way to draw out of us our true self before God.  Read the following poem slowly, prayerfully. Listen to what God might be saying to you today about His will for you. The Wisdom of the Deer …a deer standing before me shamelessly   telling me by his presence   through his very manner of being there what I did   was   all I could do  what I did  was truly  all I could do.  the deer didn’t move  for what seemed like the longest time  kept standing there  unflinching  regal  as if the fallen leaves  adorning his great hall      were lush earthen carpet  and I had been grated a brief audience  with a nobility  whose lineage was pure and undefiled  and then I understood  the wisdom of the deer  the secret to my own dignity  all I have ever been  is all I will ever need  I must look back  And. Read more.

Learning to Lead: Part 2

“If there aren’t specific goals and steps to follow in sequence,  there won’t be a goal, only a wish.”  Michael Yapko         My greatest growing edge in both maturity and spirituality (as if they could be separated) revolves around thinking. Yes – thinking and not following my emotions as I lead NLF, parent, and make decisions.          This is, I am finding, easy to understand, but quite challenging to do. It takes time, prudence, patience, and character especially if it is done prayerfully and before the Lord. Proverbs is full of insight on this. It is the sacred, holy work of leadership.         Few do it well. It is not simply a skill but a level of character that is required so that I can do appropriate introspection as to motives and past material in my life that is impacting the present. It all comes out in the pressure cooker of leadership.           For example, as. Read more.