Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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Tag Archives: video


God calls us to serve the poor and marginalized, the people the world discards. We do so because we need them for our own spiritual lives as much as they need us. The prisoner, the mentally ill, the elderly, the “illegal” immigrant, the oppressed, the orphan, the homeless, the severely disabled, etc. – keep us grounded and honest, reminding us of what is important in life. I recorded this 4 minute video for the Nines Conference sponsored by Leadership Network around this topic. At EHS we felt it was particularly appropriate to share this at Christmas. So take a look. And remember, the roots of gift giving at Christmas is St. Nicholas, the former bishop of Myra, who took the churches gold and gave it to poor families. He did so in hope that they would not sell their daughters into slavery in order to put food on the table!

5 Levels of Transformation

Explore how the 5 Levels of Transformation impact change and leadership in this months Emotionally Healthy Leadership podcast with Pete Scazzero and Rich Villodas. This 13 minute conversation examines learning and the slow process of personal transformation and transforming church culture. Click the image below to watch on YouTube or click to listen to the podcast on iTunes.    

The Story of New Life – The Birthplace of EHS

This excellent video was produced to give perspective to our 26 years at New Life as we transitioned from my role as Senior Pastor to Teaching Pastor/Pastor at Large. It provides a wonderful, inside picture of the birthplace out of which EHS was formed (and continues to be formed to this day).   …read more

Leading/Pastoring out of Your Marriage — EHL Conference 2010

One of the more significant pieces of feedback I received from our Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference 2010 came out of the pre-conference on the leaders’s marriage. The following video contains Geri and I taking 25-30 minutes to provide a short summary of a biblical foundation for the pastor’s/leader’s marriage.  As one pastor remarked, “In twenty five years of pastoring, I have never heard that our leadership is to flow out of our marriage. It was a shock!” Enjoy: Intro to the EH Leadership Conf – 04.29.10 from New Life Fellowship on Vimeo. Pastor Pete & Geri Scazzero introduce the 2010 Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference. You can click on the image above for more pictures from our conference. What are your Thoughts? Perspectives?