Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

A Free Webinar March 12th 4pm ET

Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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Tag Archives: What is EHS? tools

What is EHS?

EHS is about helping people develop a deep personal transformative relationship with Jesus Christ out of which they serve the world. EHS is a solution to the problem of shallow Christianity and people not changing. EHS recovers biblical truths overlooked in Western culture (e.g. the gift of limits, loss and grief, brokenness and vulnerability). EHS enables leaders to serve both long-term and joyfully out of a deep interior life with Christ.                                                                    We as leaders cannot give what we do not possess. EHS seeks to equip leaders to serve out a cup that overflows with the love of God. EHS is a long-term, missional spirituality. Our aim is to connect people deeply to Jesus, themselves, and each other in order to accomplish. Read more.