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Teams that Embrace Rhythms and Limits-Part 1

Posted on February 4th, 2020

This podcast discusses limits and rhythms as two of the most counterintuitive, difficult truths in Scripture to embrace. They touch the core of our relationship with Jesus, how we function as a team, and the way in which we lead. Both limits and rhythms fly in the face of our natural tendency to want to play God, control outcomes, and run the world. Yet they remain deep truths to which we must return, over and over, as leaders and teams.

In this podcast, I examine Adam and Eve’s original rebellion against God as a refusal to accept God’s rhythm, and limit, for them. God gave them enormous freedom in the Garden. Then, without explanation, He set a boundary before them. They were not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen.2:15-17). They were to trust and surrender to Him, bowing humbly before His incomprehensible ways.

They were to be active, then passive. They were to work, then they were to surrender in trust. They were to be active, and then they were to let go. They refused, and the consequences are with us to this day. Similarly, when we refuse to embrace God’s rhythms and limits, the consequences are felt by everyone around us.

I end the podcast with two questions for you to consider:

  1. What is one major limit God has placed in front of you?
  2. What new rhythms might He be inviting you into in this season?


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