Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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The Four Failures of Discipleship Pt. 1 [Book Launch Podcast Series]

Posted on March 23rd, 2021

In one week, my new book Emotionally Healthy Discipleship will be available wherever you can buy books. In fact, if you pre-order now, you’ll receive several bonus resources to help you and your team dramatically shift your church culture.

At the beginning of this book I address a fundamental question:

Why have our discipleship efforts failed so significantly?

Every pastor I know is working harder than ever, pouring their lives out for the gospel every day. Many are phenomenal in the pulpit and leading influential ministries. So why don’t we see more transformation in the people we lead?

While the answer may be complex, I’ve identified four key failures in our traditional model of discipleship that keeps people stuck and unable to mature.

Why is this important? Apart from a clear understanding of the depth of our situation, we will not stick with the long-term solution required to fully address the widespread damage these failures are causing in our churches.

In today’s episode, I launch into this topic as the first part of a longer podcast series, in which I’ll discuss the transformational insights of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship.

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