Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

A Free Webinar March 12th 4pm ET

Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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The Most Powerful Gift Leaders Can Give

Posted on February 7th, 2023

I was 19 when I came to Christ and started my training as a Christian leader.

As a young leader, I was taught many valuable things. But nobody told me about the most powerful gift leaders can bring to those they lead.

In my education, I learned how to…

  • read Scripture
  • preach and teach
  • lead communities
  • hear God’s voice
  • develop my spiritual gifts
  • expand the kingdom

Each of these gifts and skills are valuable.

But I’ve learned (through my own failures) that the greatest gift leaders can actually give is becoming an “incarnational presence” – being DEEPLY PRESENT with people like Jesus.

In today’s podcast episode, we look at the norm for most churches and leaders, but then we’ll explore the beauty of what can happen in our church cultures when we learn to lead in this way.

I encourage you to watch our full training video online in our Leader’s Training Vault. It’s completely free and only takes one minute to register.

For now, you can listen to today’s episode here…

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