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Top 10 Quotes from Benedict's Rule: Part 2

Posted on May 15th, 2013

The “Rule of Benedict” (RB) is considered one of the classic works of Western literature. More importantly, it challenges the result oriented, numbers-driven, “strategic” leadership models that surround us. Again, I invite you to prayerfully let God speak to you his insights: 1. “The fourth step of humility is that in this obedience under difficult, unfavorable, or even unjust conditions, his heart quietly embraces suffering and endures it” (RB 7:35). 2. “Our holy Fathers read the full psalter (all 150 psalms) in a single day. Let us hope that we, lukewarm as we are, can achieve it in a whole week” (RB 18:2-25). 3. We must know that God regards our purity of heart and tears of compunction, not our many words. Prayer should be short and pure” (RB 20:3). 4. “Sleep clothed. Thus the monks will always be ready to arise without delay when the signal is given; each will hasten to arrive at the Work of God” (i.e. Prayer/Daily Office (RB 22:6). 5. “For nothing is inconsistent with the life of any Christian as overindulgence” (RB 39:8). 6. “Monks should diligently cultivate silence at all times, but especially at night” (RB 42:1). 7. “Indeed, nothing is to be preferred to the Work of God” (Prayer/Daily Office- RB 43:3). 8. “It is the abbot’s care to announce, day and night, the hour for the Work of God” (Prayer/Daily Office – RB 47:1). 9. “All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ” (RB 53:1). 10. “Do not grant newcomers to the monastic life an easy entry…the concern must be whether the novice truly seeks God… the novice should be clearly told all the hardships and difficulties that will lead him to God” (RB 58:1, 8).

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