Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Why Real Discipleship Starts in the Basement

Posted on May 30th, 2023

Years ago, we were doing some strategic planning at the church I had founded in Queens, NY. We were reflecting on what contributed to our growth over a 26 year period.

A single word kept reappearing on the whiteboard – “BASEMENT”.

How did we disciple so many quality leaders, many of whom are still leading today?

Hint: it wasn’t what happened on the stage. It was what happened in the basement.

Matthew 28 tells us to “make disciples of all nations”. But many leaders today feel pressure to make discipleship strategies big and public rather than small and hidden.

Jesus modeled a different way of making disciples. In fact, he flipped the entire thing upside down. In today’s podcast, I share with you why real discipleship starts in the basement.

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