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Why We Must Learn to Grieve to Confront Racial Injustice

Posted on June 16th, 2020

In this podcast, I address a fundamental discipleship issue confronting the church today in the midst of the global awakening around racial injustice – grief and loss. Scripture offers us a radically different approach to suffering than the world. Instead of avoiding or numbing our pain, God invites us to embrace our grief and losses directly, feeling them, wait on him with them, and allow new things to be birthed out of the old.

Jesus shed his blood to birth a world-wide, multiracial, multicultural family that transcends all national, social, racial, economic barriers. This breaking down of hostility and hatred between races, cultures, genders, and social classes was one of the central tasks of the early church. It is one of ours as well. One key to get there, however, is embracing the grief and loss of racial injustice – both now and through history. When we follow him in this painful path, he sends us gifts.

This podcast explores the four treasures we receive when we embrace the grief and loss around racial injustice:

  1. We Feel the Suffering of Others
  2. We Become Lifelong Learners Who Engage Racial Injustice through History
  3. We Truly Mature in Jesus
  4. We Lead Out of Vulnerability and Weakness.

As Habakkuk 2:20 says, “The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him.” God wants to meet us, to speak to us as the church in these days. My prayer is that you and I may slow down enough to listen.



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