How to Succeed with Sabbath: Practical Steps for Busy Leaders

A Free Webinar April 10th at 2pm ET

April Webinar

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


Personal Assessment

How Emotionally Healthy Are You?
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Personal Assessment

Transform Your Church Culture with the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course Watch the VideoRun the Course

Learn how to develop deep roots with Jesus

Celebrate as relationships begin to flourish

Multiply deeply changed disciples

The Church is facing a crisis
But Your Church Can Be Different
We’ve settled for a shallow Christianity where:
  • We rarely multiply mature disciples.
  • We live hurried lives, unable to slow down and be with Jesus.
  • We pretend to be something on the outside that we are not on the inside.
  • We remain emotionally and spiritually immature.
  • We allow a lack of self-awareness to harm our relationships.
  • We are unable to process sadness, anger, grief, and other emotions.

Introducing the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course

This 2-part course uniquely combines growing
in love for God with growing in love for others.
Love God | Love Others
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Introducing people to a transformative spirituality with God.
Love God | Love Others
Emotionally Healthy Relationships
Practical skills to launch people into a transformative spirituality with others.

What Makes this Course So Transformational?

With over 20 years of development and refining with 1000’s of churches worldwide, this proven discipleship course uniquely combines the essential elements of discipleship in two parts: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Pt. 1) and Emotionally Healthy Relationships (Pt. 2).

Update: Both parts of the course have now been completely re-filmed, updated, and expanded to help churches worldwide unleash a disciple-making revolution.


Emotionally Healthy Relationships
Updated and Expanded

  • New this Fall 2023! Experience our completely re-filmed session videos for Emotionally Healthy Relationships (Pt.2)
  • Learn the same 8 proven relationship skills, taught by Pete & Geri Scazzero, now sharpened and refined for today’s audience
  • Redesigned workbook to enhance participant experience and discipleship journey
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality materials

What's Covered

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Pt. 1)
In 8 weeks, you’ll learn how to slow down your life and develop depth in your relationship with Jesus.
  • Confront the Crisis of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality
  • Know and Become Your Authentic Self in Christ
  • Discover How Your Family of Origin Affects You Today
  • Find Your Way Through "Walls" to Grow into Maturity
  • Enlarge Your Soul Through Embracing Grief and Loss
  • Integrate Silence and Sabbath to Slow Down for Jesus
  • Grow Into an Emotionally Healthy Adult
  • Design a Lifelong Plan to Live in God's Love
Emotionally Healthy Relationships (Pt. 2)
In 8 weeks, you’ll get equipped with 8 practical relationship skills to love others like Jesus.
  • Learn a 5-part Framework to Transform Your Conversations
  • Stop Being Sabotaged by Wrong Assumptions
  • Eliminate Confusion by Clarifying Expectations
  • Discover What Your Family Taught You About Communication and Conflict
  • Get Beneath the Surface of Your Emotional Life
  • Deepen Connection Through "Incarnational Listening"
  • Disentangle Your Complex Emotions and Speak Clearly
  • Master the Art of Clean Fighting
  • Design a Lifelong Plan to Grow in Love for Others

Download Free Course Sessions

Curious what the Course is really like? We've got you covered.

Preview the first session video from Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Pt.1) and Emotionally Healthy Relationships (Pt. 2). Includes a printable version of session one from each workbook.

Ready to Start? Take Your Next Steps:
Buy the Leader's Pack
Includes all Books and Videos for the EH Discipleship Course
Get Trained
Unlock Free Online Course Training and Tools In The Leader's Training Vault
Run the Course
Pilot both parts of the EH Discipleship Course in Your Church
Church Leader Frequently Asked Questions

Will this really work for my church or denomination?

Over the last 20 years, the EH Discipleship Course has been used in over 30 countries worldwide and in nearly every Christian denomination. It was originally pioneered at New Life Fellowship-an evangelical, urban, multi-ethnic church in Queens, New York. Since then, we’ve seen the Course transform churches of all types: Evangelica, Liturgical, Mainline denominations, Non-denominational, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Church Plant, House Church, Megachurch, Urban, Suburban, and Rural. The practices and skills are proven in every context and we’re confident the Course will bear fruit in your church as well.

How will I know how to properly run this course?

The EH Discipleship Course is not the same as a small group curriculum or book study. It requires thoughtful preparation and training.

For your church to get the most from the Course, it is essential that you, as the Point Leader, complete our free training called LEVEL ONE: Mastering the Launch of the EH Discipleship Course. Access it for free in the Leader’s Training Vault.

The Leader’s Training Vault is an online treasure chest of videos, promotional graphics, and Course Planners that show you exactly how to run the Course step-by-step. You’ll learn the 5 MUSTS of a successfully Course launch and the 5 PITFALLS to avoid.

Having learned valuable lessons from years of Course launches, we’ll show you why some churches fail and others thrive when running the Course for the first time.


What if I need additional help to launch this course?

After registering your Course dates in the Leader’s Training Vault, you’ll be partnered with an EH Discipleship Course Coach. Our expert Course Coaches will schedule a free 60-minute call with you to help you customize a Course launch plan. We’ll give you everything you need for a successful launch.  NOTE: Course Coaches are available in North America only.


Email: | 888.238.8905

Rich Villodas Picture
Rich Villodas, Lead Pastor
New Life Fellowship Church
Without EH Discipleship Course we would be at a great loss to build a community centered on the love of Jesus. EHD has helped to give deep theological frameworks with simple, easy to implement everyday practices to help people love God and love others well.
Dr. Khaalida Forbes Picture
Dr. Khaalida Forbes, Site Pastor
Northview Christian Church
The EH Discipleship Course has proven to be a powerful tool in guiding our members through a process of excavating their ‘under the surface’ lives. Its potency is undeniable as we have witnessed lives and relationships begin to be transformed from the very genesis of our weekly sessions.
John Sawyer Picture
John Sawyer, James River Campus Pastor
Bon Air Baptist Church
So much more than another “church program”, the EH Discipleship Course has deeply impacted our community of faith. Our relationships with God and one another have become more authentic and life-giving.