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Build a Team of Deeply Changed Leaders

In Pete Scazzero's latest book, discover how to move your team and church beyond shallow Christianity into a deep relationship with Jesus.

It's time for a church culture overhaul.

The Emotionally Healthy Discipleship book will help you and your team discover:

Fresh vision for a spiritual counterculture

A biblical framework to move beyond shallow Christianity

Tools and practical strategies to create a new future

Your church is doing all the right things, but here's what’s missing.

About the Book

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship offers a fresh vision to build a spiritual counterculture that informs every aspect of church and community life.

  • Recover biblical truths missing from traditional discipleship models such as the gift of limits, embracing grief and loss, breaking the power of the past.
  • Learn how to integrate loving God, loving ourselves, and loving others in a way that goes beyond head knowledge to a lived experience.
  • Discover the importance of slowing down to ground your discipleship in the person of Jesus.

With assessments and practical strategies, Scazzero lays out what is needed to overcome the problem of shallow Christianity and create a church culture that multiplies deeply changed disciples of Jesus.

Download FREE Discussion Guide & Chapter Videos

What's Included:

  • Printable chapter by chapter discussion guide
  • Video Chapter introductions from Pete Scazzero
  • Simple pathway to facilitate deep change among your staff or team
What Church Leaders Are Saying
"There is so much to like in Peter Scazzero's Emotionally Healthy Discipleship-he pushes against the 'let's get 'er done' approach to measuring discipleship and advocates instead a slowed-down be-with-God measure to following Jesus. What I like most is his emphasis on getting to know the crucified Jesus and ridding ourselves of the Americanized Jesus."
Scot McKnight
Northern Seminary, author of Jesus Creed
"There may be no more important pastoral and prophetic voice for church leaders in this cultural moment than Pete and Geri Scazzero and the work of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship."
Todd Wilson
CEO and cofounder, Exponential
"A new generation of leaders must help the church take up her prophetic role as a community that bridges racial, cultural and class barriers in Christ. Scazzero’s Emotionally Healthy Discipleship shows us a biblical and proven way to get there."
Dr. John M. Perkins
Founder & President Emeritus John & Vera Mae Perkins Foundation, Christian Community Development Association

Dive Deeper with the EH Leader Podcast Series

Part 1 | The Four Failures of Discipleship | Emotionally Healthy Discipleship [BOOK LAUNCH SERIES]

Why have our discipleship efforts failed so significantly?

In today's episode, Pete launches into this topic as the first part of a longer podcast series, in which he will discuss the transformational insights of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship.

Part 2 | Be Before You Do | Emotionally Healthy Discipleship [BOOK LAUNCH SERIES]

In this episode, Pete gives you the top ten indicators that will tell you if your doing has exceeded your being. It's worth a listen just for this list!

Part 3 | Follow the Crucified, Not the Americanized, Jesus | Emotionally Healthy Discipleship [BOOK LAUNCH SERIES]
In this episode, Pete will distinguish the difference between American culture and our discipleship to Jesus.  
Part 4 | Embrace God’s Gift of Limits | Emotionally Healthy Discipleship [BOOK LAUNCH SERIES]

John the Baptist, Paul, and Jesus all submitted to the limitations given to them by God. 
In today's episode, Pete explores this 3rd mark of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, and invites you to embrace the God-given limits in your life.

Part 5 | Discover the Treasures Buried in Grief and Loss | Emotionally Healthy Discipleship [BOOK LAUNCH SERIES]

In today's episode, Pete continues the book launch series by exploring the next mark of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship. Like David, Jeremiah and Job, we have an invitation to discover the treasures buried in grief and loss.

Part 6 | Make Love the Measure of Maturity | Emotionally Healthy Discipleship [BOOK LAUNCH SERIES]

But how exactly do we make love the measure of our spiritual maturity?

In today's podcast, we cover this next mark of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship.

Part 7 | Break the Power of the Past | Emotionally Healthy Discipleship [BOOK LAUNCH SERIES]

In today's episode, we discuss this next mark of emotionally healthy discipleship and why developing a "Genogram" will help us become mature disciples of Jesus.

Part 8 | Lead out of Weakness and Vulnerability | Emotionally Healthy Discipleship [BOOK LAUNCH SERIES]

In today's episode, Pete covers the next mark of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship. Listen along to learn how to actually lead out of weakness and vulnerability.
