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7 Qualities of an Emotionally Healthy Church Board
Posted on: Tuesday May 14, 2024

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One of the most difficult and nuanced callings is serving as a board member of a church or ministry. This role is both legal and spiritual, affecting the entire church culture. Very few are trained to do it well.

Sadly, often it is only after a crisis or scandal that people realize the "Board" was not really functioning, trained, or doing what they were entrusted to do.

But the truth is – that healthy, thriving, flourishing churches have healthy, thriving, flourishing boards.

In today's podcast episode, I outline the 7 must-have qualities for building an emotionally healthy board. When your board gets these 7 things right, everyone in your church wins for the long haul.

Tuesday March 03, 2020

In part 2 of this week's podcast, Pete focuses on the taming of "tiger" behaviors that happen on every team. In Part 1, he defined a “tiger” as someone who invades and damages the overall health of our community due to their own lack of awareness and immaturity. Pete addresses the top ten questions people ask around taming "tigers" and creating a healthy culture.

Tuesday February 25, 2020

Pete defines a "tiger" as someone who invades and damages the overall health of our community due to their own lack of awareness and immaturity. In part 1 of this week's podcast, Pete explores the issue of caging and taming "tigers" who emerge under our leadership. He shares with us three important lessons about what good leaders do to cage "tigers" in their midst. 


Tuesday February 18, 2020

In today's podcast, Pete shares an important truth from one of his favorite biblical characters – John the Baptist. John does not imitate other people, and part of leadership is to differentiate and bring that uniqueness of who God has made you to be. Pete will be sharing a message with us from John 1. To lead from who you really are, listen to this sermon and answer the 3 questions Pete gives you.

Tuesday February 11, 2020

In part 2 of this week's podcast, Pete continues to build on the theology of rhythms and limits from Genesis 2:15-17. Pete expands on how our teams must seek to apply this to our most important task which is cultivating a deep spirituality with Jesus. It is crucial that we understand how much of a critical theme this is for all of us going into the future. 

Tuesday February 04, 2020

In this week's podcast, we learn how limits and rhythms are two of the most difficult truths in Scripture to embrace; and how it is very important for teams to be able to embrace these limits and rhythms. Pete gives us two critical questions that teams must be asking in order to lead from a healthy place. 



Tuesday January 28, 2020

Each of us has been “formed/discipled” by our family of origin in the early years of our lives – whether we were Christians or not. In part 2 of his podcast, Pete invites you and your team to do three things that will encourage you to continue learning and being formed into disciples of Christ.

Tuesday January 21, 2020

One of the core pillars of "Emotionally Healthy Discipleship" is going back to go forward. In emotionally healthy teams, people understand that their family of origin has enormous significance in their ability to function maturely as a team. In this podcast, Pete shares five major points in how making sense of our stories can powerfully transform us, our teams, and those we lead. May it be an encouragement to you and those you lead.

Tuesday January 14, 2020

In last week's podcast, Pete introduced us to the first five questions that he has asked himself and others when preaching a message. In part 2 of this week's podcast, Pete dives into the final five questions, while making suggestions that will make your preaching experience rich and enjoyable. May this podcast be a blessing for you!

Tuesday January 07, 2020

In his first podcast of 2020, Pete shares with us the first five important questions that will make sure we make room for God to do His work in our lives. If we can learn to apply these questions to our lives, then these will surely help many leaders and preachers to preach in ways that will lead others to more authentic transformations. 

Tuesday December 31, 2019

In his last podcast for 2019, Pete offers us an inside view of Moses and his leadership in the midst of great pressure at the Red Sea. It is through this pressure that Moses makes critical leadership choices, and Pete offers us a model of those five leadership choices for us to reflect on as we enter 2020.